We Have Successfully Completed Our Project within the Scope of TÜBİTAK 1501 Industry R&D Support Program.


We have successfully completed our project titled "Development of High Efficiency Waste Heat Recovery System that Can Generate #Electricity from the Waste Heat Source of LFG Gas Engine", which we recommend within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1501 Industry R&D Support Program, with a total support of approximately USD 165,000. The system developed within the scope of the R&D project is currently used in the garbage storage facility of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality in Odayeri. Now, with the support of TÜBİTAK, we are making the necessary investments to mass-produce the system whose R&D we have carried out.

Efficient use of resources is essential to achieve ZeroCarbon targets. As MNK Energy, we continue to develop and produce for our country and the world.

Gösterim : 2621